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Flood damage - intelligence and assistance

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NSW Department of Primary IndustriesAccurate information on flood damage is critical for NSW Authorities to determine the extent of damage and assess potential support measures.

This on-the-ground information helps the NSW DPI to plan its emergency response measures such as fodder drops and aerial surveillance as well as longer term assistance and support that may be available for farmers and rural communities.

As floodwaters begin to recede, farmers are encouraged to get out onto their farms to check for any damage to farm operations.

Please report all forms of damage, including stock and fodder losses, and damage to crops, pastures, fencing and other farm infrastructure to NSW DPI on 1800 814 647 or  damage.report@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Reports can be lodged at any time as these communication lines are operating 24-hours daily.


Disaster relief grants  1800 018 444
NSW Rural Assistance Authority  1800 678 593
Transport subsidy for fodder and stock - NSW DPI  1800 814 647


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Dr. Radut Consulting