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Upper Lachlan Saving our Superb Parrot project - Call for EOIs

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10 Aug 2018 - 11:00am
As a partner in the Saving Our Superb Parrot project funded by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Saving Our Species program, Upper Lachlan Landcare is excited to have funds to allow landholders undertake actions to help save the threatened Superb Parrot.
As part of this project, Upper Lachlan Landcare are offering eligible landholders funding support to plant up to 100 paddock trees per property. These plantings will be supported by ongoing monitoring of the Superb Parrot population by participating landholders.
Paddock trees should; 
• be planted within 50 m (minimum) of each other, and
• connect (50 m or closer) to existing paddock trees or woodland patches.
In addition, landholders should have the capacity to plant at least 20 trees minimum.
This community-based project further adds to the work already being done by farmers and Landcare groups who have planted hundreds of thousands of trees and shrubs in paddocks, along fence lines and creeks and rivers.
Interested landholders should click here for more information, to see the map showing the area covered by this project and get a copy of the Expression of Interest form. Or contact coordinator@upperlachlanlandcare.org.au 
EOI forms need to be completed and submitted by Friday 10th August 2018

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Dr. Radut Consulting