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Annual Food Sovereignty Convergence - Canberra

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15 Oct 2018 (All day)
The Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) will present the Annual Food Sovereignty Convergence in Canberra on 15 and 16 October this year.
Renowned political agroecologist M. Jahi Chappell is lined up as part of his Beginning to End Hunger book tour. AFSA is also about to lock in Eric Holt Gimanéz, Executive Director of Food First and leading food system analyst, who will be in Australia for his Foodie's Guide to Capitalism book tour! 
It's going to be an amazing couple of days, so start organising your farm sitters, put in your leave, and make sure you get yourself to Canberra in October! AFSA members will receive first dibs and discounts on tickets when they're released so sign up!

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Dr. Radut Consulting