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Weather and climate: Clearing the air

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17 Aug 2013 (All day)

Public Lecture: Weather and climate: Clearing the air

Saturday 17 August 2013 1.30 - 4.00 pm

Yass Soldiers Club

Presented by the ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment.

Are you interested in weather and climate and climate change? What is the difference between weather and climate? How do we forecast the weather? What drives your local climate? Is climate change real and what are the implications?

Listen to three experts in their fields talking about different aspects of climate change and its relevance to local communities.

The art and science of weather forecasting
Mr Clem Davis: Retired meteorologist from the Bureau of Meteorology and Visiting Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment and Society. Clem worked for the Bureau for 33 years and was OIC of the Canberra Meteorological Office for 9 years.

Droughts, Fires and Flooding rains
Associate Professor Janette Lindesay, Fenner School of Environment and Society: Associate Professor Lindesay
is a climatologist who has carried out extensive research into climate drivers such as ENSO, and into seasonal
climate prediction. She is deputy director of the Fenner School of Environment and Society and acting director of
the ANU Climate Change Institute.

What we know about climate change
Professor Will Steffen: Former director of the ANU Climate Change Institute and an Australian Government Climate
Change Commissioner. Professor Steffen has an international reputation in climate change and its impacts.

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